The Department of Quality Improvement and Accreditation Bakhtar University was established in 2013 within the framework of the Ministry of Higher Education. The purpose of establishing this department is to develop a quality higher education system. It sets up, monitors, and observers the quality improvement and accreditation process. This office provides necessary facilities for proposal of quality standards in higher education, encourages quality improvement, continuously monitors quality improvement programs, and ensures that minimum standards are met by this university. The QaD will also examine whether Bakhtar University have provided services based on Afghanistan's needs. The purpose of Quality Improvement and Guarantee Committee is to plan and evaluate quality of university’s services provision by measuring these activities, as well as providing appropriate solutions and suggestions and helping to plan for their improvement. Bakhtar University, In terms of quality aims, have a good reputation at national and regional levels. Also, as per instruction and guideline esteemed directorate, quality assurance sub-committees at university level were created in order to advance organization work.
Quality Assurance Committees
The main functions are monitoring teaching, research and leadership. Improving capacity and providing quality services should be prepared in a balanced way in all three of above sections and also to raise skills of other supporting departments such as office, laboratory.
Duties of Quality Assurance Committee
Develop an operational plan based on weaknesses, threats and opportunities for all quality assurance and accreditation criteria.
Preparing a mechanism for implementing operational plan and presenting ways out of obstacles to its implementation.
Supervise implementation operational plan at all levels of Bakhtar University.
Supervising implementation of Ministry's national strategic plan and strategic plan of Bakhtar University and preparing a quarterly report on field.
Conducting circles to implement quality assurance plans and programs at institutional level.
Implementation of other programs assigned by Ministry of Quality Improvement Department.
Preparation and implementation of new innovations and programs that lead to quality improvement.
Monitoring budget and assistance for Bakhtar University for consumption to implement operational plan, strategic plan and other plans.
Monitoring and reviewing the implementation of learning and learning policy, teaching improvement plan and individual operational plan at level of Bakhtar University.
Bakhtar University successfully awarded for second stage of accreditation and marked by 75.22, and honored to be accrediting 3rd stage in coming short times. Click to appear our official stage from Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) .
International Accreditation
The Bakhtar University is part of International Credit Process, including IACBE which has been proceed successfully.
Credit Transferring Assurance
Bakhtar University was able to expedite understanding of transferring students to study with Andhra Pradesh University of India. And Iran to exchange students' credit transferring internationally.
Bakhtar University has a quality assurance and accreditation executive committee. All activities related to supervision plan which is improve by this committee . and main task of CEQA is Improving quality helps Bakhtar University to improve quality and pave way for accreditation. The Quality Assurance Center focuses more on quality improvement programs, enhanced teaching, academic oversight, and coordination among other committees at the institutional level.
No Criterion Institute score Institute score
01 Mission and strategy 48 44
02 Community participation and development 32 17
03 Sovereignty, leadership and administration 40 37
04 Financial resources and administration 40 37
05 Scientific programs 60 51
06 Research 20 15
07 Professors and employees 76 66
08 Student experience 58 48
09 Improving and guaranteeing quality 20 17
10 Library and information resources 30 24
11 Training, information technology and facilities 38 34
Total scores of institute Total maximum score Total scores of the institute Total maximum score
Total 452y 390
Final score % 100% 86.2%
Academic Independence
The University recognizes that academic freedom is a right and responsibility of all staff and students and that it underpins creation and dissemination of new knowledge. Academic freedom is central to mission University. A member of academic staff of shall have freedom, within law, in his or her teaching, research and any other activities either in or outside Institute, to: Question and test received wisdom. Put forward new ideas.
Financial Independence
The University is taking care of all its expense from the revenue it generates from student fee and any other educational projects it delivers to the public and private sector. The university is not reliable on any external funding unless it is for the purpose of delivering an academic or a research activity. It obeys the international financial reporting standards and is being audited accordingly. Up to date policies, procedures and control mechanism are developed to ensure transparency and accountability in the day to day financial management matters.
Administrative Independence
The University has qualified and experience management and academic staff that works according the University policies and based on the Afghan Labor Code. They are not dependent and influenced by any external institutions that has no legal obligation toward the Afghanistan higher education or regulating the private Universities of the country. To ensure proper management of personnel, administrative and logistical services, the university keep up date policies, procedures and control mechanisms.
Administrative Independence
The University has qualified and experience management and academic staff that works according the University policies and based on the Afghan Labor Code. They are not dependent and influenced by any external institutions that has no legal obligation toward the Afghanistan higher education or regulating the private Universities of the country. To ensure proper management of personnel, administrative and logistical services, the university keep up date policies, procedures and control mechanisms.
Campaign Against Corruption
Setting an example of correct behavior for students, though important, is only a first step. Bakhtar University has set a social function for itself to educate and equip students with tools and experiences that make them successful professionals and citizens. This requires a strong commitment to teaching professional ethics across curricula. Ethics education is known to reduce selfish behavior among students and their inclination to cheat. The upsides are:
Improved achievement of educational goals, because students must actually study instead of cheating;
Long-term benefits, because research shows that students who cheat at school are more likely to be dishonest in their career;
All courses and programmes within the University are regularly monitored and evaluated through a range of mechanisms.
Course evaluation
Students complete evaluation forms for taught courses which provide valuable feedback about learning and teaching methods, course strengths and areas for development. The academic staff members responsible for the course then analyze the student feedback, the views of other staff involved in teaching and assessment on the course and the profile of students’ assessment results. Changes for the next delivery of the course are proposed, when appropriate. Examples of changes include modifications to course content, structure or to the assessment questions or methods.
Programme evaluation
Each degree programme is also evaluated annually with the whole group of students taking a degree asked to comment on the programme as a whole through the year. This provides valuable feedback on the design of the programme, the structure and flow of the course and assessment components that make up the degree, and students’ perceptions of the overall quality of learning and teaching.
Professional programmes
For professional programmes, it provides insights into how students find the fit between placements with the taught courses. Programme evaluation also covers the quality of guidance and pastoral support, of dissertation or thesis supervision, and mentoring and field supervision for professional placements.
Staff feedback
As for course evaluation, all staff members involved in programmes also contribute to an overall evaluation of the programme each year and external examiners specifically comment on programmes in general, as well as individual courses, in their annual report.
Student representation and Support
Each subject area has consultation meetings with student representatives or class groups from all the programmes and year groups at which course and programme evaluations and proposed changes are reported.
Increasing Partnership
Bakhter University is establishing partnerships with national and international educational and training institutions that could support the university both academically and technically to deliver quality education. following partnerships have been mobilized and during the strategic planning period this will be expanded to the regional and global bakhtar Universitys.
George Town University, USA
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, United Kingdom, London.
Ata Turk University, Turkey
Putra University, Malaysia
KIT University, India
Gender Issue
Bakhter University is committed to promoting a diverse, scholarly community in which people are valued, respected, and treated equitably. Its quest to achieve excellence in teaching and research requires an academic environment in which staff and students from a wide range of backgrounds can flourish irrespective of class race or gender. The Five- year strategic plan, aims to deliver equity outcomes to all groups, to those from low socio-economic backgrounds, to those with disabilities, to women in areas where they are under-represented and to the general staff.
Developing a Cadre of Professional and Competent Teachers
Bakhtar University recruits its permanent and adjunct faculty through a competitive process considering qualification and experience at the top priorities. The teachers included both male and female, national and international instructors with background in teaching a specific principle. In addition, the university plans to invest on the teachers that are holding bachelor’s degrees are prepare them for teaching. This initiative includes provision of training and development opportunities that prepare a cadre of professional teachers. To ensure an equal number of male and female teachers are ensure, the priority is given to the female.
Bakhter university recognized the research as key component of the university strategies and aims to place itself as Afghanistan’s top research institution. Our academic enterprise should encourage discovery, creativity and innovation across the spectrum of teaching, learning, and research. Following activities are planned to be delivered during the strategic plan period.
A competitive process of research that could improve the current practices and result in enhanced economic system nationally like:
Strengthen coordination among teachers overtaking research activities.
Establish relations with international universities and academia for join research activities.
Ensure sustainability of the research center through resource mobilization and delivery of external funded projects.
Strengthen and Implementation of Credit System
To strengthen implementation of the credit system, the University has already informed faculty to enhance the assessment and make sure students are assess based on the following assessment methods.
actual attendance
tests taken during the course
projects/research work
oral/written examination
furthermore, University Management and faculty are asked to focus on other matter related to credit mainly, student’s workload, learning outcome and contact hours. Usually, the more work and effort a student is required to put into a course, the more credits that course is worth.
Strengthening Students Services
Bakhter university continuously strive to strengthen students’ services and ensure student receive the required assistance on timely manner. The university believes that students in Afghanistan rarely find a chance to receive professional career advice before they could decide the program of their choice. In number of cases it is proven that the students select a program that is currently demand driven in the job market, while they graduate after four year, as such whether their decision is valid in the future or not entirely depends on their luck rather than a technical analysis of the future needs of Afghanistan. Despite the university website where students access programs and application guide, the academic department is providing advice and support to prospective and existing students. The university has a well-equipped computer lab, library and students are provided with up to date knowledge of the market through workshop and conferences. By observing the implementation of the strategic plan and considering the observance of the gender of the University Administration, it has performed the following services.
Provide safe space for better education
Eliminate any linguistic, ethnic or racial prejudices, taking into account the gender balance in the teaching process.
Providing electronic facilities, including the LMS (Learning Management System) which students can obtain all their information using a password from the relevant folder.
Scientific Research Center for the use of students and professors, both male and female.
Establishment and activation of the Students' Union, both boys and girls, with regard to specific function.
Provide a development plan for students' skills.
Creating job opportunities through the Student Services Office.
Preparation of a specific room for the provision of student services by the University Administration.
Provide first aid services.
Set up sports teams, football, volleyball, cricket and badminton.
Develop a workshop for students to participate in community affairs.
Extensive student participation in committees and other social activities.
Prepare Jim Separti with sufficient capacity.
Connection of students of fields related to the country's manufacturing factories.
Establish an education system to conduct research
The committee convenes every fifteen days in the parliament and works on its own evaluation program. In addition, according to a regular division of time, the committee instructed its members to work closely with the members of the committee on the quality and self-assessment of the faculties, to complete the self-assessment report. After each faculty evaluation report was submitted to the committee, it began its work on the Western University Self-Assessment Report and the committee members were instructed to complete this report in accordance with the guidelines and the Self-Assessment Report in accordance with the Eleven Self-Assessment Criteria. In this report, in addition to the list of contents and characteristics of Bakhtar University, the main contents of the internal evaluation report, which is a concise and concise view of Bakhtar University and universities, the description of the report includes a comprehensive internal evaluation according to the eleven criteria of the Ministry of Higher Education. . In addition to the recent section of the report, it contains information on the census figures of professors and students of the five faculties of the Western University.
University Goals
To produce the highest quality research. We will take an entrepreneurial approach that leverages technology to engage in research that reflects a mission of Bakhtar University and reflect the five characteristics that inform our work.
Identify, create, and maintain partnerships that are sustained, deliberate and strategically integrated with our degree programs and research efforts.
Strategic Goals, Time
To produce the highest quality research. We will take an entrepreneurial approach that leverages technology to engage in research that reflects a mission of Bakhtar University and reflect the five characteristics that inform our work.
Identify, create, and maintain partnerships that are sustained, deliberate and strategically integrated with our degree programs and research efforts.
To produce the highest quality research. We will take an entrepreneurial approach that leverages technology to engage in research that reflects a mission of Bakhtar University and reflect the five characteristics that inform our work.
Identify, create, and maintain partnerships that are sustained, deliberate and strategically integrated with our degree programs and research efforts.
Annual monitoring report and periodic review of scientific programs of public higher education institutions.
Annual monitoring report and periodic review of scientific programs of private higher education institutions.
Self-assessment report
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